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Harris, Eddie

LC control no.n 88665508
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHarris, Eddie
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Profession or occupationJazz musicians Saxophonists
Found inHis Homecoming [SR] 1985: label (Eddie Harris) container (saxophone)
His The intervallistic concept, c1984: cover (Eddie Harris) p. 1 (b.10/20/38, Chicago)
LC data base, 10/4/88 (hdg.: Harris, Eddie)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Harris, Eddie; b. Oct. 20, ?1934, Chicago; tenor saxophonist)
Guinness enc. of pop. mus., 2nd ed. (Harris, Eddie; b. Oct. 20, 1936, Chicago, Ill.; tenor saxophonist)
Int. ww in mus., v. 2, pop. mus., 1st ed. (Harris, Eddie; b. Oct. 20, 1938, Chicago, Ill.; saxophone, reed trumpet, piano, vocalist)
Feather, L.G. Enc. of jazz in the 60's (Harris, Eddie; b. Oct. 20, 1934, Chicago, Ill.; tenor saxophone, also piano, vibraphone, composer)
Feather, L.G. Enc. of jazz in the 70's (Harris, Eddie; b. Oct. 20, 1936, Chicago, Ill.; tenor saxophone, electric piano, organ, reed trumpet, singer, composer)
Notes, June 1997: p. 1111 (Harris, Eddie; d. Nov. 5, 1996, at 62?, Los Angeles, CA; American tenor saxophonist)
Grove music online, July 24, 2006: Jazz (Harris, Eddie; b. Oct. 20, 1934, Chicago, d. Nov. 5, 1996, Los Angeles; American tenor saxophonist)