LC control no. | n 88675798 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Pfandl, Ludwig, 1881-1942 |
Variant(s) | Pfandl, Ludwig, b. 1881 |
Birth date | 1881-09-22 |
Death date | 1942-06-07 |
Place of birth | Rosenheim (Bavaria, Germany) |
Place of death | Kaufbeuren (Germany) |
Profession or occupation | Authors Hispanists Biographers Linguists |
Found in | nuc87-113119: His Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz ... 1983 (hdg. on InNd rept.: Pfandl, Ludwig, 1881- ) LC data base, 11/21/88 (hdg.: Pfandl, Ludwig, 1881- ; usage: Ludwig Pfandl) Cultura y costumbres del pueblo español ... 1994: t.p. (Ludwig Pfandl) jkt. (1881-1942) Wikidata via Wikipedia, January 10, 2020 (alias: Ludwig Pfandl, Pfandl; LCAuth identifier: n88675798; VIAF identifier: 109560516; GND identifier: 11614260X; ISNI (P213): 0000000109334160; place of birth: Rosenheim; place of death: Kaufbeuren; country of citizenship: Germany; instance of: human; occupation: linguist, biographer, romanist; Freebase identifier: /m/0pcm27x; date of birth: +1881-09-22T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1942-06-07T00:00:00Z; CANTIC: a11451737; given name: Ludwig; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 067926487; FAST-ID: 1841181; Dialnet author ID: 2331132; BIBSYS identifier: 90231473; BAV (Vatican Library) identifier: ADV11067517; NUKAT authorities: n2008114345; educated at: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; SHARE Catalogue author ID (P3987): 199412; BnF identifier: 12318158p; languages spoken or published: German; SUDOC authorities: 03208322X; sex or gender: male; NKC identifier: jx20120123015; writing language (P6886): German; description/label: deutscher Schriftsteller, Duits taalkundige , German writer and scholar, scríbhneoir agus scoláire Gearmánach) <> |