LC control no. | n 89107215 |
Geographic heading | Gennep (Netherlands) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Netherlands--Gennep |
Variant(s) | Gennep an der Maas (Netherlands) Asnapium (Netherlands) |
Found in | Congress on Idiotype Networks in Medicine and Biology (1989 : Gennep, Netherlands). Idiotype networks in biology and medicine, 1990: CIP t.p. (Gennep, the Netherlands) Phone call to BGN, 1/26/90 (Gennep, Netherlands, 51°42ʹN, 5°58ʹE; variant: Gennep an der Maas, Asnapium; in east Netherlands, 11 miles SSE of Nijmegen, near Ger. frontier) |
Geographic area code | e-ne--- |