LC control no. | n 89119149 |
Geographic heading | Conwy (Wales) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Wales--Conwy |
Variant(s) | Conway (Wales) |
Special note | Old catalog heading: Conway, Wales |
Found in | Robertson Research International. Official street map, tourist guide, Conwy & Llandudno, c1987. LC database, 1-28-91 (hdg.: Conway, Wales) Barth. gaz. places Brit., 1986 (Conwy, Gwynedd, resort and small port.; Conway, Gwynedd, see Conwy) Ordnance Survey administrative boundary map. Sheet 7: Wales and West Midlands, 1996 : (Conwy) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 53°17ʹ00ʺN 003°50ʹ00ʺW) |
Geographic area code | e-uk-wl |
Invalid LCCN | no2002105109 |