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Santa Pola (Spain)

LC control no.n 89123148
Geographic headingSanta Pola (Spain)
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Geographic subdivision usageSpain--Santa Pola
Variant(s)Santa Pola, Spain
Portus Ilicitanus (Spain)
Found inMartínez Núñez, J. Plano de la rada de Lugan Nuebo situada en la costa de España al ote. del Cabo de Sta. Pola ... 1785 (name not given)
LC data base, 8/10/90 (hdg.: Santa Pola, Spain)
Lippincott (Santa Pola, town, Alicante prov., E Spain, part on the Mediterranean)
BGN 8/10/90 (Santa Pola, ppl, 38°11ʹN, 0°33ʹW)
Collins, R. An Oxford archaeological guide, 1998: p. 248 (Santa Pola was Roman Portus Ilicitanus, the port for the nearby town of Ilici (Elche))
Geographic area codee-sp---