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Davis, Norman H. (Norman Hezekiah), 1878-1944

LC control no.n 89126000
Personal name headingDavis, Norman H. (Norman Hezekiah), 1878-1944
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Davis, Norman H., 1878-1944
Found inNUCMC data from LC Manuscript Div. for His Papers, 1915-1960 (Davis, Norman H., 1878-1944; economist, diplomat, and humanitarian)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Davis, Norman H., 1878-1944)
WWWA, vol. 2, 1943-1950 (Davis, Norman H.; businessman; financial adviser; chmn. of American Red Cross)
NY Times obit, 7-2-1944 (Davis, Norman H.; Norman Hezekiah Davis)