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Ranasinghe, Anne, 1925-2016

LC control no.n 89261907
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPR9440.9.R35
Personal name headingRanasinghe, Anne, 1925-2016
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Variant(s)Ranasinghe-Katz, Anne, 1925-2016
Katz, Anne Ranasinghe-, 1925-2016
Ranasinghe, Anne, 1925-
Katz, Anneliese, 1925-2016
Birth date1925-10-02
Death date2016-12-17
Place of birthEssen (Germany)
Place of deathColombo (Sri Lanka)
Field of activityPoetry
Profession or occupationPoets
Found inHer At what dark point, c1991: t.p. (Anne Ranasinghe) p. 96 (b. Anneliese Katz in Germany in 1925; fr. 1951 on has been a permanent resident of Sri Lanka)
Of charred wood, midnight fear, 1983: t.p. (Anne Ranasinghe-Katz)
Wikipedia, September 1, 2020 (Anne Ranasinghe; born Anneliese Katz, October 2, 1925 in Essen, Germany; died December 17, 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka; Jewish-German born Sri Lankan English-language poet, considered one of Sri Lanka's leading English-language poets)
Associated languageeng