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Würtz, Felix, 1518-1575?

LC control no.n 89604740
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWürtz, Felix, 1518-1575?
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Variant(s)Wirtz, Felix, 1518-1575?
Wirtz, Feliz, approximately 1510-approximately 1590
Wirz, Felix, 1518-1575?
Wuertz, Felix, 1518-1575?
Birth date1518
Death date1575?
Special noteOld catalog heading: Wurtz, Felix, 1518-1575?
Found innuc88-104964: His The surgeons guild, or Military ... [MI] 1658 (hdg. on CtY rept.: Wurtz, Felix, 1518-1575?; usage: Felix Wurtz)
His Wund-Artzney, 1687: t.p. (Felix Würtzen, Weiland des berühmten Wund-Artztes zu Basel; ... Von der Pest, herzlicher Mittlen auss einem Manuscripto FEL. WURTZII ...)
Felix Wurtz, surgeon and pediatrician, J. of pediatric surgery 26 (1991): p. 1152, etc. (The summary of biog. studies indicates that there are 2 schools of thought concerning Würtz's birth date: one, led by the 19th cent. Berlin surgeon, Ernest Julius Gurlt, claims he was born in Zurich between 1500-1510, the son of a painter; the other, led by the 19th cent. French surgeon, Ulysse Trelat, claims he was born in Basel in 1518, the son of a barber[-surgeon]. Würtz practiced the profession of barber[-surgeon] in Zurich (1536-1559), then Strassburg (1559-), where his son, also named Felix, also practiced the profession of barber[-surgeon] from 1587 to 1596. Recounts the 3 versions of Würtz's name in publications: Wirtz in earlier eds. and Wurtz in later eds., with some giving the name as Wuertz. The article also indicates the uncertainty over Würtz's death date, some giving it as between 1590-1596, some as 1574 and some as between 1574-1576)
A medical bib. (Garrison and Morton), 1970: no. 5563 (Würtz, Felix [Wirtz]. 1518-1574. Practica der Wundartzney. Basel, 1563. Famous surgeon in the 16th century, studied at Nuremberg; the book went through many eds. and was translated into English, Dutch, French) no. 6319 (Würtz, Felix [Wirtz], 1518-1574, Ein schönes und nützliches Kinderbüchlein. In his Practica der Wundartzney. Basel, S. Henricpetri, 1616, p. 723-84. English translation in 1656)
Morton's medical bib., 1991: no. 5563 (Würtz, Felix [Wirtz], 1518-1574, Practica der Wundartzney. Basel, 1563) no. 6357.50 (Würtz, Felix [Wirtz], circa 1510-circa 1590. Ein schönes und nützliches Kinderbüchlein. In his Practica der Wundartzney. Basel, S. Henricpetri, 1616. p. 723-84)
Lorenz, J. Der Chirurg Felix Wirtz, 1940: p. 1, etc. (son of Conrad Wirtz, painter; born in Zürich between 1500-1510; name written in numerous sources in various ways: in Zürich documents as Wirz, in publications as Wirtz or Würtz, and in author's own hand in ms. sources as Wirtz; date of death unknown, but can find no more evidence of author after 1590)
Herzog August Bibliothek. Verzeichnis medizinischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Drucke 1472-1830, 1982: v. 4, p. 1824 (hdg.: Felix Wuertz)
Gurlt, E. Geschichte der Chirurgie, 1898: v. 3, p. 238, etc. (Felix Wirtz, Wirz, Würtz was born between 1500-1510 in Zurich, the son of a painter)
NLM in OCLC, 12-4-95 (hdg.: Wirtz, Feliz, ca. 1510-ca. 1590)
Invalid LCCNn 92065400