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Kurtscheid, Bertrand, 1877-1941

LC control no.n 89617480
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKurtscheid, Bertrand, 1877-1941
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Variant(s)Kurtscheid, Bertrandus, 1877-1941
Kurtscheid, Valentin, 1877-1941
Other standard no.5322607
Associated countryGermany Italy
Associated placePaderborn (Germany) Rome (Italy)
Birth date1877-03-11
Death date1941-08-29
Place of birthRheinbrohl (Germany)
Place of deathRome (Italy)
Field of activityCanon law Canon law--Study and teaching
Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum
Profession or occupationCanonists Law teachers
Found innuc89-1076: His Das Beichtsiegel in seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung [MI] 1912 (hdg. on NStBU rept.: Kurtscheid, Bertrand, 1877-1941; usage: P. Bertrand Kurtscheid, O.F.M.)
nuc89-98162: His De lectorum Ordinis Minroum formatione [MI] 1930 (usage on NStBU rept.: P. Bertrandus Kurtscheid, O.F.M.)
Historia iuris canonici, 1951: title page (P. Bertrandus Kurtscheid, O.F.M.)
Wikipedia [German], December 6, 2024 (Bertrand Kurtscheid, OFM (born: 11 March 1877 in Rheinbrohl as Valentin Kurtscheid; died: 29 August 1941 in Rome) was a German Franciscan and canon lawyer; ordained a priest in Paderborn in 1903; lecturer in canon law at the order's college in Paderborn (1908-1922). In 1922 the general leadership of the order appointed him professor of canon law at the Antonianum in Rome [machine translation])
Associated languageger lat