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Burciaga, José Antonio

LC control no.n 89646259
Personal name headingBurciaga, José Antonio
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Burciaga, Tony
Associated countryUnited States
LocatedEl Paso (Tex.) Washington (D.C.) Stanford (Calif.)
Birth date1940
Death date1996-10-07
Place of birthEl Paso (Tex.)
Place of deathCalifornia
AffiliationUniversity of Texas at El Paso
Stanford University
Profession or occupationPoets Journalists Artists
Found innuc88-19025: His Drink culture refrescante, 1979 (hdg. on CSt rept.: Burciaga, José Antonio; usage: José Antonio Burciaga)
LC data base, 8-12-89 (hdg.: Burciaga, José Antonio)
His Weedee peepo, 1988: t.p. (José Antonio Burciaga) t.p. verso, etc. (b. 1940; writer, illustrator, and artist; lives at Stanford Univ.; Tony Burciaga)
Meier, Matt S. Mexican American biographies, 1988: page 33-34 (José Antonio Burciaga, born and raised in 1940 in El Paso. Joined the Air Force in 1960. Graduated from the University of Texas at El Paso in 1968. His first art exhibition was held in 1974 at the L'Enfant Plaza Theatre in Washington, D.C., where he worked for the CIA. Two years later he self-published a volume of poetry with poet Bernice Zamora, later writing short stories and articles for journals and newspapers in addition to painting murals.)
Wikipedia, viewed April 23, 2021: under "José Antonio Burciaga" (lived near Stanford University. With his wife Cecilia Preciado, was a Resident Fellow in Casa Zapata on Stanford's campus from 1985 to 1994. Died October 7, 1996 in California.)
Associated languagespa eng