LC control no. | n 89667130 |
LC classification | PS3566.E7698 |
Personal name heading | Peterson, Michael (Michael I.) |
Variant(s) | Peterson, Mike (Mike I.) |
Located | North Carolina |
Birth date | 1943-10-23 |
Place of birth | Tennessee |
Found in | His A time of war, c1990: CIP t.p. (Michael Peterson) Phone call to publisher, 11-27-89 (Michael I. Peterson) Charlie Two Shoes and the Marines of Love Company, c1998: t.p. (Michael Peterson) CIP (Peterson, Michael, 1943- ) about the author (former Marine; awarded Silver and Bronze Stars for his service in Vietnam) Wikipedia, July 21, 2010 (Michael Peterson ; b. Michael Iver Peterson in Oct. 23, 1943 near Nashville, Tenn. ; is a fiction writer and politician ; convicted of the murder of his wife, Kathleen Peterson, in 2003 ; aka: Mike Peterson ; wrote three successful books, The immortal dragon, A time of war, a bitter peace, and Charlie two shoes and the Marines of Love Company) Behind the staircase, 2019: title page (Michael Peterson) |
Associated language | eng |
Invalid LCCN | no 98130502 n 2005045309 |