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Browning, Philip Embury, 1866-1937

LC control no.n 90604122
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBrowning, Philip Embury, 1866-1937
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Variant(s)Browning, Philip E. (Philip Embury), 1866-1937
Browning, Philip Embury, b. 1866
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1866-09-09
Death date1937-01-02
Profession or occupationChemists
Found inIntroduction to the rarer elements, 1903: title page (Philip E. Browning)
LCCN 28-19152: Gooch, F.A. Outlines of qualitative chemical analysis, 1928 (hdg.: Browning, Philip Embury, 1866- ; usage: Philip Embury Browning)
Wikidata via VIAF, Jan. 21, 2020 (GAC: US; born: 1866-09-09; died: 1937-01-02; preferred: Philip Embury Browning chimiste américain; variant: Philip Embury Browning chimiste américain; Philip Embury Browning American chemist; Philip Embury Browning Amerikaans scheikundige (1866-1937); Philip Embury Browning químic estatunidenc; Philip Embury Browning químico estadounidense; Philip Embury Browning químicu estauxunidense (1866-1937); Philip Embury Browning US-amerikanischer Chemiker; gender: 1)