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Rittenhouse, William, 1644-1708

LC control no.n 90606786
Personal name headingRittenhouse, William, 1644-1708
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Rettinghaus, Wilhelm, 1644-1708
Rittenhouse, Wilhelm, 1644-1708
Ryttinghuisen, William, 1644-1708
Found inLeiter, W. Heimat und Name von Wilhelm Rettinghaus, dem ersten Papiermacher in den USA seit 1690, 1981: t.p. (Wilhelm Rettinghaus) leaf 14, etc. (1644-1708; listed in genealogical table as Wilhelm Rittenhouse; changed name to William Rittenhouse in 1690)
Sachse, J.F. Die Bapier [i.e. Papier] Mühle der Brüderschafft zu Ephrata (The paper mill of the Brotherhood at Ephrata), 1897: p. 2 (William Ryttinghuisen)