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Muñoz, José, 1942-

LC control no.n 90620906
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMuñoz, José, 1942-
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Birth date1942
Place of birthArgentina
Profession or occupationArtists
Found inHistoires amicales du bar à Joe, c1987: t.p. (Muñoz)
Livres disponibles, 1990 (Muñoz, José)
Billie Holiday, 1993: p. 53 (José Muñoz, b. 1942 in Argentina; he is an artist and currently lives in Italy)
El perseguidor, 2009: t.p. (José Muñoz) jacket flap (b. Buenos Aires, 1942, illustrator)
Invalid LCCNno2010173053