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Charlier, C. V. L. (Carl Vilhelm Ludwig), 1862-1934

LC control no.n 90622437
Personal name headingCharlier, C. V. L. (Carl Vilhelm Ludwig), 1862-1934
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Variant(s)Charlier, Carl Vilhelm Ludwig, 1862-1934
Special noteIncludes the old catalog headings: Charlier, Carl Vilhelm Ludwig, 1862-1934; Charlier, Carl Vilhelm Ludvig, 1862-1934.
Found inLCCN 03-12898: His Utgräfningarna af Tycho Brahes observatorier på ön Hven sommaren 1901, 1901 (hdg.: Charlier, C[arl] V[ilhelm] L[udwig] 1862-1934; usage: C.V.L. Charlier)
LCCN 47-7272: His Elements of mathematical statistics, 1947 (hdg.: Charlier, Carl Vilhelm Ludvig, 1862-1934)