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Brochmand, Jesper Rasmussen, 1585-1652

LC control no.n 90665960
Personal name headingBrochmand, Jesper Rasmussen, 1585-1652
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Brochmand, Caspar Erasmus, 1585-1652
Found innuc90-43781: His Explicatio dicti JeremiƦ cap 23, v. 24 [MI] 1627 (hdg. on GmC rept.: Brochmand, D. Caspari Erasmi)
NUC pre-1956 (LC hdg.: Brochmand, Jesper Rasmussen, 1585-1652; usage: Casparo Erasmo Brochmand; Caspar E. Brochmand; Casp. Erasmi Brochmand)