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Freitag, Werner, 1955-

LC control no.n 90680430
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFreitag, Werner, 1955-
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Birth date1955
Found inHis Spenge 1900-1950, 1988: t.p. (Werner Freitag) t.p. verso (b. 1955 in Rheda; historian at Univ. Bielefeld)
Historische Forschung in Sachsen-Anhalt, 1999: t.p. (Werner Freitag)
Politische, soziale und kulturelle Konflikte in der Geschichte von Sachsen-Anhalt, 1999 t.p. (Werner Freitag) p. 206 (b. 1955; studied at universities of Bielefeld and Hagen, 1986-88; Prof. für Sachsen-anhaltische Landesgeschichte, Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 1996-)
Invalid LCCNn 2003041452