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LC control no.n 90688543
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPA5627.H359
Personal name headingPhasianos
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Fassianos, Alécos
Fassianos, Alekos
Fassianos, Alexandre
Phasianos, A. (Alekos)
Phasianos, Alekos
Φασιανος, Α.
LocatedAthens (Greece) Paris (France)
Birth date1935
Place of birthAthens (Greece)
AffiliationAnōtatē Scholē tōn Kalōn Technōn (Athens, Greece)
Profession or occupationPainters
Special noteNon-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inAphises, 1989: t.p. (Φασιανός = Phasianos) p. opp. t.p., etc. (Fassianos, Alekos Phasianos, Alekos Fassianos, Alexandre Fassianos)
Phenge phengos tē skepsē mou, 1977: t.p. (A. Phasianou)
Gennaios kosmos neos, 2002: t.p. (Alekos Phasianos) add. t.p. (Alécos Fassianos [in Rom.])
Fassianos, 2001: insert (Aleco Fassianos; born 1935 in Athens; studied painting at the Superior School of Fine Arts from 1956-1960; studied in Paris from 1960 to 1963; lives and works in Paris and Athens)
Histories mias poleōs, 1975: t.p. (Α. Φασιανου = A. Phasianou)
Associated languagegre
Invalid LCCNn 86861507