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Thelen, Kathleen Ann

LC control no.n 90692893
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingThelen, Kathleen Ann
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Variant(s)Thelen, Kathlen Ann
Birth date19560325
Found innuc90-57384: Her Continuity in crisis, 1987 (hdg. on CU rept.: Thelen, Kathlen Ann)
Her Union of parts, c1991: CIP t.p. (Kathleen A. Thelen) data sh. (b. 1956)
Phone call to publ., 4-11-91 (Kathleen A. Thelen in personal correspondence with editor)
German codetermination in comparative ... 1997: t.p. (Kathleen Thelen) p. 80 (assoc. prof., Northwestern Univ.)
How institutions evolve, 2004: CIP t.p. (Kathleen Thelen, Northwestern Univ.) data sheet (b. Mar. 25, 1956) pub. data (Kathleen Ann Thelen; assoc. prof. of pol. sci.)