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Callaghan, Paul T

LC control no.n 91012916
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCallaghan, Paul T.
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1947-08-19
Death date2012-03-24
Profession or occupationPhysicists
Found inHis Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy, 1991: CIP t.p. (Paul T. Callaghan; Dept. of Physics and Biophysics, Massey Univ., New Zealand)
Are angels OK?, c2006: t.p. (Paul Callaghan) t.p. verso (NZ CIP hdg.: Callaghan, Paul) p. 304 (b. Wanganui, New Zealand)
Wikipedia WWW site, Mar. 26, 2012 (Sir Paul Terence Callaghan, GNZM, FRS, FRSNZ; b. Aug. 19, 1947, Whanganui; d. Mar. 24, 2012, Wellington; New Zealand physicist)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 2006081517