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Flemming, Hans-C. (Hans-Curt), 1947-

LC control no.n 91025739
Personal name headingFlemming, Hans-C. (Hans-Curt), 1947-
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Variant(s)Flemming, Hans-Curt, 1947-
Found inInt. Workshop on Ind. Biofouling and Biocorrosion (1990 : Stuttgart, Germany). Biofouling and biocorrosion in industrial water systems, 1991: CIP t.p. (Hans-C. Flemming) t.p. verso (Hans-Curt Flemming; Universitaät Stuttgart) data sheet (b. 9-11-47)
Microbial extracellular polymeric substances, 1999: CIP t.p. (Hans-Curt Flemming) CIP t.p. verso (Prof. Dr. Hans-Curt Flemming, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Gesamthochschule Duisburg, Dept. of Aquatic Microbiology, Duisburg, Germany) data sheet (b. 9-11-47)
Invalid LCCNn 99048955