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Seizelet, Éric

LC control no.n 91028742
Personal name headingSeizelet, Éric
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Sezure, Erikku
Found inHis Les petits-fils du soleil, c1988: t.p. (Éric Seizelet) p. 4. of cover (ancien pensionnaire de la Maison franco-japonaise de Tôkyô)
Nihon no kokusaika no tenbō to gaikokujin rōdōsha mondai, 1990: t.p. (Eric Seizelet; Erikku Sezure [in kana]) prelim. p. 6 (b. 1951; assoc. prof., Furansu Kokuritsu Kagaku Kenkyūjo)