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Meyer, Johannes, 1422-1485

LC control no.n 91040479
Personal name headingMeyer, Johannes, 1422-1485
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Meier, Johannes, 1422-1485
Meyger, Johannes, 1422-1485
Found inHumbert, de Romans. Hie hebt sich an die Auszlegung Humberti, desz hohen Lerers ... über Sant Augustins Regel, 1490? (name not given)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Meier, Johannes, 1422-1485; usage: Johannes Meyer)
Stammler, W. Die deut. Lit. des Mittelalters (Meyer (Meyger), Johannes, O.P.; b. Zurich, 1422)
Kosch, W. Deut. Lit.-Lex., 3rd ed. (Meyer (Meyger), Johannes; b. Zurich, 1422; d. Adelhausen, 7-20-1485)
BLC (Meyer (Johannes) Dominican)