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Wyczółkowski, Leon, 1852-1936

LC control no.n 91040806
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWyczółkowski, Leon, 1852-1936
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Associated countryPoland
Birth date18520411
Death date19361227
Field of activityPainting Art
Profession or occupationPainters Artists
Found inHis Leon Wyczółkowski, 1852-1936, c1989: p. 68 (b. 04-11-1852; d. 12-27-1936; Polish painter)
Encykl. powsz. PWN, 1976: v. 4, p. 731 (Wyczółkowski, Leon, 1852-1936; Polish painter and graphic artist)
Library of Congress Manuscript Division for the Polish declarations of admiration and friendship for the United States, 1926 (Leon Wyczołkowski; Polish artist), Feb. 7, 2005 (Leon Wyczolkowski; b. 1852; 1936; painter, graphic artist, educator, and one of Poland's most outstanding artists of the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries)
Invalid LCCNn 2005008932