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Drifters (Musical group)

LC control no.n 91048206
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingDrifters (Musical group)
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Variant(s)Original Drifters (Musical group)
See alsoMember: Hendricks, Bobby
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Member: King, Ben E.
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Member: McPhatter, Clyde
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Member: Pinkney, Bill
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Member: Terry, Johnny
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Member: Williams, Johnny, 1942-1986
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Beginning date1953-05
Found inIts The Drifters' golden hits [SR] 1968: label (The Drifters)
LC data base, 05-15-91 (hdg.: The Drifters)
The soul of Christmas [SR] p1999: container (the Original Drifters)
Original Drifters WWW site, Oct. 5, 2004 (Bill Pickney, the only surviving 1953 member of the Drifters, has used the name/mark [i.e. trademark?] the Original Drifters since 1958)
All Music, viewed June 12, 2015 (The Drifters; formed May 1953; Group Members: Andrew Thrasher, Ben E. King, Bill Fredericks, Bill Pinkney, Bobby Hendricks, Butch Leak, Butch Mann, Charlie Hughes, Charlie Thomas, Clyde Brown, Clyde McPhatter, Dave Baldwin, David Baughn, Doc Green, Elsbeary Hobbs, Eugene Pearson, Gant Kitchings, Gerhart Thrasher, James Clark, James Johnson, Jimmy Millender, Johnny Moore, Johnny Terry, Johnny Williams, Rudy Lewis, Tom Evans, William Anderson, Willie Ferbee)