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Maria Mitchell Association

LC control no.n 91049626
Corporate name headingMaria Mitchell Association
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Variant(s)Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association
Found inNUCMC data from Nantucket Historical Association, Research Center for Its Records, 1938-1977 (Maria Mitchell Association; inc. 1903; scientific center, library, museum, and observatory, established to honor Maria Mitchell, native of Nantucket, first woman astronomer in the U.S.)
LC data base, 5-18-91 (hdg.: Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association)
Drake, T.E. The First half century of the Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association, 1968: t.p. (Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association) p. 3, etc. (Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association; [its publication])
Cape Cod and the islands, c1990: p. 288 (Maria Mitchell Association)
Coffin, M.M. Hist. of Nantucket Island, c1970 (Maria Mitchell Association)
Phone call to the Assoc., 5-20-91 (Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association is formal name; commonly known as Maria Mitchell Association)