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Diabaté, Henriette

LC control no.n 91062512
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDiabaté, Henriette
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Variant(s)Dagri Diabaté, Henriette
Associated countryCôte d'Ivoire
Associated placeFrance Senegal
Birth date1935-03-13
Place of birthBingerville (Côte d'Ivoire)
Field of activityHistory Civil service Côte d'Ivoire--Politics and government
AffiliationUniversité d'Abidjan
Université d'Abidjan. Institut d'histoire, d'art et d'archéologie africains
Fondation Houphouët Boigny
Côte d'Ivoire. Ministère de la justice
Rassemblement des républicains (Côte d'Ivoire)
Université de Paris IV: Paris-Sorbonne
Ordre national de la République de Côte d'Ivoire
Profession or occupationCivil servant
Historians History teachers Politicians
Historians History teachers Politicians Côte d'Ivoire--Officials and employees Cabinet officers
Found inLe Sannvin, 1986: t.p. (Henriette Diabaté) cover p. 4 (b. in Bingerville, Ivory Coast; teacher-researcher in the History Department, Université d'Abidjan and at the Institut d'histoire, d'art et d'archéologie africains)
LC data base, 06-24-91 (hdg.: Diabaté, Henriette)
Petrus, 2009: t.p. (Henriette Dagri Diabaté)
Le Sanvi, 2013: t.p. (Henriette Dagri Diabaté) p. 4 of cover (Doctor of History; she was successively professor at the University of Abidjan, Minister of Culture and Minister of State, Minister of Justice; for over a decade, she was secretary general of the Rally of Republicans (RDR), one of the biggest parties in Côte d'Ivoire; currently Chancellor of the Grand National Order of Côte d'Ivoire)
Dictionary of African biography, 2012: volume 2, pages 156-157 (Dagri-Diabaté, Henriette; born 13 March 1935 in Bingerville, Ivory Coast; finished her secondary education in Senegal; doctorate in history, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne; history professor, University of Abidjan, 1968-1995; founding member of the Association of African Historians; on editorial board of journal Afrika Zamani 1974-1975; head researcher at Fondation Félix Houphouët-Boigny 1976-1980; her first book was La marche des femmes sur Grand-Bassam (1975) on 1949 protest by women against colonial government; other important studies include Le Sanwi, sources orales et historiés (1986) and Mémorial de la Côte d'Ivoire (1988); married Lamine Diabaté, a former minister; entered politics in the early 1990s, minister of culture 1990-1993 in the final years of Houphouët-Boigny's reign as president; a founder of the RDR (Rassemblement des Républicains) in 1994, became its secretary general in 1999; imprisoned in late 1999, freed after coup in December; imprisoned and released several times in 2000-2001; fled to France, returned in 2002, served as minister of justice in Laurent Gbagbo's government 2003-2005; still a formidable politician at age 75)
Associated languagefre