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Wisten, Fritz, 1890-1962

LC control no.n 2024058311
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWisten, Fritz, 1890-1962
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Variant(s)Weinstein, Mortiz, 1890-1962
Birth date1890-03-25
Death date1962-12-12
Found inDas Haus am Waldsängerpfad, September 2020: t.p. (Fritz Wistens Familie) page 14 (born Mortiz Weinstein, Mar. 25, 1890, Vienna; name changed to Fritz Wisten in 1929) page 117 (died Dec. 12, 1962)
Fritz Wisten, c1990: p. 188, etc. (b. 3/25/1890 in Vienna; stage actor and director; d. 12/12/1962)
Invalid LCCNn 91069214