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Kombuis, Koos

LC control no.n 91071665
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT6592.21.O43 Afrikaans
PR9369.3.K67 English
Personal name headingKombuis, Koos
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Variant(s)Kombuis, Koos A.
See alsoReal identity: Du Toit, André le Roux
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Alternate identity: Letoit, André
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Alternate identity: Kitchen, Joe
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Other standard no.50866834
Associated countrySouth Africa
Birth date1954-11-05
Profession or occupationAuthors Singers Musicians
Found inHis Paradise redecorated, 1990: title page (Koos Kombuis) jacket (Afrikaans cult-writer)
Die tweede reën, 1998: title page (Koos A. Kombuis)
Die geel kafee, 2003: title page (Koos Kombuis) page 4 of cover (Koos Kombuis is also the poet André Letoit)
Brekfis met vier, 2005: title page (André le Roux du Toit (Koos Kombuis))
SANB correspondence with author, October 31, 2000: (born November 5, 1954)
Paradise redecorated, 1990: title page (Koos Kombuis) page 4 of cover (André le Toit)
Voëlvry, 2006: credit frames (André Letoit (Koos Kombuis))
Wikipedia, Sep. 2, 2013 (Koos Kombuis, born André le Roux du Toit; South African musician, singer, songwriter and writer; Koos Kombuis is his pen name and a humorous stage name; André Letoit was the name he used in the early 1980s as a poet and novelist) WWW viewed November 22, 2019: Koos Kombuis ("What's in a name?" Shakespeare asked in his day. You may find Koos Kombuis, also known as Joe Kitchen, pondering this question. This versatile artist is causing quite a stir, this time as a bilingual writer of children's books who, at the same time, introduces another nom de plume, Joe Kitchen. It was such a straightforward and obvious solution. "The penny finally dropped when my children's favourite teacher, Rob Moll (to whom the new books are dedicated) at Somerset West Private School, introduced me one evening at a school function as 'Jacob Kitchen'. From there it transformed to 'Jack Kitchen', but then I realised there is such a guy in America, and I didn't want to intrude on his space, so eventually I became 'Joe Kitchen'." The books, titled Hubert the Useless Unicorn and Eben die Ellendige Eenhoring, are published by Naledi. These children's books are cheerfully illustrated by Koos)
Equivalent(s)Kombuis, Koos, 1954-
Associated languageafr eng