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Chordettes (Musical group)

LC control no.n 91094851
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingChordettes (Musical group)
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Found inStand by me [SR] p1986: label (The Chordettes)
Hymns by the Chordettes, c1956: t.p. verso (Carol Buschmann, Janet Ertel, Lynn Evans, and Marjorie Needham)
New York times, Apr. 11, 2009 (Nancy Overton, 83, singer for the Chordettes; d. Apr. 5, 2009 in Blairstown, N.J.; joined the Chordettes in 1958; group had been together for 10 years when Overton stepped in for one of the original four, Janet Ertel; b. Anne Swain Feb. 6, 1926 in Port Washington, N.Y.)