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Wilhelmi, Thomas

LC control no.n 91104752
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilhelmi, Thomas
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Associated placeHeidelberg (Germany)
Birth date1955
AffiliationHeidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
Profession or occupationHistorians
Found inSebastian Brant Bibliographie, 1990: title page (Thomas Wilhelmi)
Bucer, Martin. Unionsschriften 1542-1545, 2011: title page (bearbeitet von Thomas Wilhelmi)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed August 21, 2015 (authorized access point: Wilhelmi, Thomas; other data in authority record: Germanist; historian; born 1955; has been a researcher at the Bucer-Forschungsstelle, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, since 1996)
Associated languageger