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Häring, Norbert

LC control no.n 91127405
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHäring, Norbert
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Found inSievert, O. Reformbedarf für die Wohnungsgemeinnützigkeit, c1990: t.p. (Häring) t.p. verso (Dr. Norbert Häring, Inst. f. Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, Univ. des Saarlandes)
Regionalpolitik und Finanzverfassung in ... c1995: t.p. (Norbert Häring) cover p. 4 (b. 1963 in Westhausen, Baden-Württemberg)
Economists and the powerful, 2012: eCIP t.p. (Norbert Häring) data view screen (co-founder and director of the World Economics Association, editor of the "World Economics Journals," and correspondent for "Handelsblatt," the leading German business newspaper)