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Baender, Paul, 1906-1985

LC control no.n 92003281
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBaender, Paul, 1906-1985
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Birth date1906-10-30
Death date1985-12-18
Profession or occupationChess players
Found inKiessling, W. Der Fall Baender, c1991: p. 11, etc. (Paul Baender; b. 10-30-06 in Rosdzin near Kattowitz, Oberschles.; during WW II emigr. to Bolivia; returned to DDR; former member of ZPKK of SED)
de.Wikipedia, Jan. 6, 2025: Paul Baender (b. 30 October 1906; d. 18 December 1985; played for Bolivia in 8th Chess Olympiad, Buenos Aires, 1939; president of DDR Deutscher Schachverband until 1953)