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Lifeson, Alex

LC control no.n 92005766
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLifeson, Alex
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Variant(s)Zivojinovich, Alex
Light, Neil Alfred William
See alsoCorporate body: Rush (Musical group)
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Corporate body: Envy of None (Musical group)
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Associated countryCanada
Birth date1953-08-27
Place of birthFernie (B.C.)
Found inLee, G. Signals [SR] p1982: container insert (Alex Lifeson)
AMG, May 24, 2006 (Alex Lifeson; b. Alex Zivojinovich, Aug. 27, 1953, Fernie, B.C.)
Canadiana, viewed May 10, 2024 (access point: Lifeson, Alex; variant: Light, Neil Alfred William; person is associated with Canada)
National bib agency no.0008J6721E
Quality codenlc