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Fuchs, Werner, 1949-

LC control no.n 92008792
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFuchs, Werner, 1949-
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Variant(s)Fuchs, W., 1949-
Fuchs, 1949-
Birth date1949-08-17
Place of birthAalen (Germany)
Field of activityScience fiction Publishers and publishing Video games--Design
Profession or occupationPublishers and publishing Authors Editors
Found inReclams Science Fiction Führer, c1982: t.p. (Werner Fuchs) p. 163 (b. 1949 in Hüttlingen-Sulzdorf bei Aalen; Studium d. Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Bochum sowie Anglistik u. Germanistik in Düsseldorf; Autor von Sachbüchern, Redakteur d. SF-Magazins Comet; Herausgeber von verschiedenen SF-Anthologien; neben bzw. nach Tätigkeiten als Buchhändler, Literaturagent u. Übersetzer; seit 1980 Herausgeber d. Taschenbuchreihe "Knaur Science Fiction")
Lexikon der Science Fiction Literatur, 1980: title page (Werner Fuchs)
ISFDB, viewed November 16, 2023 (Werner Fuchs; born August 17, 1949; uses alternate names: W. Fuchs, Fuchs)
   <> wiki, viewed November 16, 2023 (Werner Fuchs (born 1949 in Aalen, Germany) is a German game designer, author, translator, literary agent and publisher and one of the cofounders of Fantasy Productions (FanPro). He has been working in the fantasy genre since 1971: In 1977 he started "Fantastic Shop" in Düsseldorf; Fuchs had been producing a science fiction anthology series together with a friend, Hans-Joachim Alpers. Fuchs and Alpers created their own publishing house, Fantasy Productions (GbR). The GbR and the Fantastic Shop business were merged into the Fantasy Productions GmbH in 1988)
Wikipedia (German), viewed November 16, 2023 (Werner Fuchs (born August 17 , 1949 in Hüttlingen-Sulzdorf near Aalen) is a German publisher, author, editor and role-playing game pioneer... Together with Hans Joachim Alpers, Ronald M. Hahn and Wolfgang Jeschke, he received the Kurd Lasswitz Prize in 1981 for the lexicon of science fiction literature )
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