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Karazija, Romas

LC control no.n 92016492
Personal name headingKarazija, Romas
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Variant(s)Karazija, R.
Karazija, Romualdas
Karazii︠a︡, R. (Romualʹdas)
Found inHis Introduction to the theory of x-ray and electronic spectra of free atoms, c1992: CIP t.p. (Romas Karazija, Institute of Physics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania)
His Vvedenie v teorii︠u︡ rentgenovskikh i ėlektronnykh spektrov svobodnykh atomov, 1987: t.p. (R. Karazii︠a︡) colophon (Romualʹdas Karazii︠a︡)
LC data base, 02-14-92 (hdg.: Karazija, R.; usage: Romualdas Karazija)