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Takeiri, Yoshikatsu, 1926-2023

LC control no.n 92016846
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTakeiri, Yoshikatsu, 1926-2023
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Yoshikatsu, Takeiri, 1926-2023
Takeiri, Yoshikatsu, 1926-
竹入義勝, 1926-2023
Other standard no.48417662
Birth date1926-01-10
Death date2023-12-23
Place of birthKaruizawa-machi (Japan)
Japan. Kokkai. Shūgiin
Nihon Kokuyū Tetsudō
Bunkyō-ku (Tokyo, Japan). Gikai
Tokyo (Japan). Gikai
Profession or occupationLegislators
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inHis Professional luncheon meeting [SR] 1968: container (Takeiri, Yoshikatsu, chairman of Kōmeitō) narration (42 years old; born in Karuizawa, Japan)
Who's who in Japan 1984-1985, c1984: p. 867 (Takeiri Yoshikatsu; b. Jan. 10, 1926; mem. House of Representatives; chmn. Komei Party Central Executive Committee), Dec. 26, 2023 (竹入義勝 = Takeiri Yoshikatsu; r; d. Dec. 23, 2023 at age 97; formerly with Kokutetsu; member, Ward Council, Bunkyō-ku; member, Metropolitan Assembly)