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Mariscal, Javier, 1950-

LC control no.n 92052681
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMariscal, Javier, 1950-
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Variant(s)Mariscal, 1950-
Mariscal, Xavier Errando, 1950-
LocatedBarcelona, Spain
Birth date1950-02-09
Place of birthValencia, Spain
Field of activityArts
Profession or occupationArtists
Found inCoad, E.D. Javier Mariscal, c1991: t.p. (Javier Mariscal) p. 4 of cover (designer; artist)
Moix, L. Mariscal, 1984?: t.p. (Mariscal) p. 7 (Xavier Errando Mariscal)
His ABCdari ilĀ·lustrat, 1978?: t.p. (Mariscal) cover (cartoonist; b. 1950 in Valencia, Spain)
Ricard GutieĢrrez, Javier Mariscal, 1992: t.p. (Javier Mariscal) p. 7 (dissenyador) p. 8 (b. 2-9-50)
IMDb, Sept. 24, 2012 (Javier Mariscal ; art department, director, writer ; Brother of Santi Errando and Tono Errando ; alt. name: Xavier Mariscal)
Wikipedia, Sept 24, 2012 (Javier Mariscal is a Valencian Spanish artist and designer whose work has spanned a wide range of mediums, ranging from painting and sculpture to interior design and landscaping. He was born in February 1950 in the city of Valencia, Spain into a family of eleven brothers and sisters. Since 1970, he has been living and working in Barcelona. He opened the Estudio Mariscal in 1989.)
Associated languagespa
Invalid LCCNn 79047696