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Anglo-Oesterreichische Bank (Vienna, Austria)

LC control no.n 92074825
Corporate name headingAnglo-Oesterreichische Bank (Vienna, Austria)
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Variant(s)Anglo-oesterreichische Bank, ltd., Vienna
Anglo-OĢˆsterreichische Bank (Vienna, Austria)
See alsoAnglo-Austrian Bank (London, England)
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Found inNUCMC data from Columbia Univ. Libraries, Bakhmeteff Archives (New York, N.Y.) for Bark, P.L. Papers, 1914-1937 (name not given)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Anglo-oesterreichische Bank, ltd., Vienna; f. 1863 in Vienna; in 1914 an English company, the Anglo-Austrian Bank Limited, was formed to take over the whole bank; headquarters moved to London)