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Hooper, Harry

LC control no.n 92096104
Personal name headingHooper, Harry
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Variant(s)Hooper, Harry Bartholomew
Birth date18870824
Death date19741218
Profession or occupationbaseball player
Found inZingg, P.J. Harry Hooper, c1993: CIP t.p. (Harry Hooper) galley (Harry Bartholomew Hooper; Hall of Fame baseball player, 1909-1925)
Wikipedia WWW site, June 16, 2011: List of baseball nicknames entry (Harry Hooper: Hoop)
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum WWW site, June 16, 2011: Harry Hooper entry (Harry Bartholomew Hooper; b. Aug. 24, 1887, Bell Station, Calif.; d. Dec. 18, 1974, Santa Cruz, Calif., aged 87; inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in 1971)