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Shore-Goss, Robert

LC control no.n 2013018461
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingShore-Goss, Robert
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Goss, Robert Shore-
Goss, Robert
Shore-Goss, Robert E., 1948-
Goss, Robert, 1948-
Goss, Robert E., 1948-
Shore-Goss, Robert Everett, 1948-
Goss, Robert Everett Shore-, 1948-
Birth date1948-05-11
Field of activityReligions
Environmental justice
AffiliationUnited Church of Christ
Harvard University
Profession or occupationClergy
Found inQueering Christianity, 2013: ECIP t.p. (Robert Everett Shore-Goss)
His Jesus acted up, c1993: CIP t.p. (Robert Goss)
A rainbow of religious studies, 1996: CIP t.p. (Robert E. Goss) data sheet (b. 5-11-1948)
Dead but not lost, 2005: t.p. (Robert E. Goss) p. 299 (Robert E. Goss, Th.D. in Comparative Religion, Harvard University)
Queer Bible commentary, 2022: title page (edited by Robert E. Shore-Goss) page xii (The Revd Robert E. Shore-Goss, ThD in Comparative Religion at Harvard, is a retired UCC clergy working on environmental justice in the United Church of Christ)
Invalid LCCNn 92104233