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Rollins, Henry, 1961-

LC control no.n 92110877
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3568.O5397
ML420.R87505 Biography
Personal name headingRollins, Henry, 1961-
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Variant(s)Rollins, 1961-
Garfield, Henry, 1961-
See alsoCorporate body: Rollins Band
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Corporate body: Black Flag (Musical group)
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Birth date19610213
Found inHis One from none, c1991: t.p. (Rollins) p. 4 of cover (did spoken word performances across America in 1987; formed the Rollins Band in the spring; toured North America and Europe; his previous band was Black Flag) p. 124 (rents part of a small house in Los Angeles)
Rollins, Big ugly mouth, p1992: narration (Henry Rollins)
U.S. copyright file, Oct. 2, 1998 (Rollins, Henry, 1961- )
Internet movie database, July 12, 2002 (Henry Rollins; b. Feb. 13, 1961, Washington, D.C.; birth name, Henry Garfield; actor, composer, writer)