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Faber and Faber

LC control no.n 92111500
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingFaber and Faber
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Variant(s)Faber and Faber Limited
Faber (Firm)
Faber & Faber Ltd.
See alsoFounder: Faber, G. C. (Geoffrey Cust), 1889-1961
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Predecessor: Faber & Gwyer
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Beginning date1929
Found inThe Faber book of tales of the sea, 1991: t.p., in imprint (Faber and Faber) t.p. verso (Faber and Faber Limited, London)
Ash-Wednesday, 1930: t.p. (Faber & Faber Ltd.)
British literary publishing houses, 1881-1965, 1991: p. 114 (Faber and Gwyer Limited; London publishing firm established in 1924 by partners Geoffrey Faber and Sir Maurice Gwyer) p. 115 (partnership ended in 1929 with the departure of Gwyer; name changed 1929 to Faber and Faber Limited)