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Farley, Morgan

LC control no.n 93023615
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFarley, Morgan
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Birth date18981003
Death date19881011
Place of birthMamaroneck (N.Y.)
Place of deathSan Pedro (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Field of activityActing
Profession or occupationActors
Found inBeloved [MP] 1934: credits (cast, Morgan Farley)
Perf. arts biog. master index, c1981: p. 199 (Farley, Morgan, 1898- and 1901-)
Internet Movie Database WWW site, July 17, 2015: (Morgan Farley, actor ; b. Francis Morgan Farley, October 3, 1898 in Mamaroneck, New York, USA ; d. October 11, 1988 (age 90) in San Pedro, California, USA)
Associated languageeng