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Wallingford, Ronald, 1933-

LC control no.n 93032766
LC classificationPR9199.4.W343
Personal name headingWallingford, Ronald, 1933-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Wallington, Ronald, 1933-
Special noteVariant hdg. on CaQMM rept. not explained.
Found innuc93-1460: His Portrait of a runner, c1985 (hdg. on CaQMM rept.: Wallingford, Ronald, 1933- ; usage: Ronald Wallington)
Chasing, 2003: t.p. (Ronald Wallingford) Can. CIP (Wallingford, Ronald, 1933-) p. 4 of cover (author of Portrait of a runner; Canadian track athlete and now novelist)
NLC database, Mar. 2, 2004 (hdg.: Wallingford, Ronald, 1933-; usage: Ronald Wallingford, Ronald Wallington)