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Klingsöhr-Leroy, Cathrin

LC control no.n 93045062
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKlingsöhr-Leroy, Cathrin
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Variant(s)Klingsöhr, Cathrin
Leroy, Cathrin Klingsöhr-
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1958
AffiliationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Franz Marc Museum Universität Regensburg Université de Paris
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Universität Bonn
Fritz Winter Stiftung
Profession or occupationArt historians Art museum curators
Found inSieben amerik. Maler, c1991: t.p. (Cathrin Klingsöhr)
Paul Klee : Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst, 1994: t.p. (Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy)
Klingsöhr-Leroy, Cathrin. Surrealism, c2004: t.p. (Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy) cover p. 2 (art historian, b. 1958)
Paul Klee, 2018: title page (Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy) page 453 (Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy is the director of the Franz Marc Museum in Kochel am See, Germany. After studying art history, archaeology and German literature at Regensburg, Bonn and Paris, she was awarded her doctorate from Bonn University in 1987. She subsequently held a fellowship in Paris from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Beginning in 1989, she worked as a curatorial research associate and a research assistant at the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen in Munich, where she has been a curator for the Fritz Winter Foundation since 1994.)
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