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Corfu Declaration

LC control no.n 93048505
Uniform title headingCorfu Declaration
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Variant(s)Krfska deklaracija
Serbia. Corfu Declaration
Jugoslovenski odbor. Corfu Declaration
Corfu, Declaration of, 1917
Found inEnc. Brit., Micropaedia, 15th ed., 1984 (Corfu Declaration (July 20, 1917), statement issued during World War I, calling for the establishment of a unified Yugoslav state (the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes) after the war. It was signed by Premier Pašić of the Serbian govt.-in-exile (located in Corfu) and by delegates of the Yugoslav Committee, a London group of South Slavs)
Janković, D. Jugoslovensko pitanje i Krfska deklaracija 1917. godine, 1967 (p. 481-485: text of declaration)