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Catholic Church. Book of hours

LC control no.n 93069135
Corporate name headingCatholic Church. Book of hours
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Variant(s)Catholic Church. Horae Beatae Virginis Mariae
Catholic Church. Hore intemerate Virginis
Catholic Church. Hore diuine Virginis Marie
Catholic Church. Primer
Found inHorae Beatae Virginis Mariae ad usum Romanum, 22 Aug., 1498 : t.p.
Hore intemerate Virginis secundu[m] usum Romanum, 1505: t.p.
Hore diu[in]e Virginis Marie secundum vsum Romanum, 1510? : t.p.
William de Machlinia, 1929: t.p. (William de Machlinia : the primer on vellum printed by him in London about 1484)