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Windsor, Claire

LC control no.n 93075209
Personal name headingWindsor, Claire
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Variant(s)Cronk, Claire Viola
Cronk, Clara Viola
Found inScreen snapshots. Excerpts no. 5 [MP] between 1927 and 1928: intertitles (Claire Windsor)
W was w on screen, 1983: p. 773 (Windsor, Claire; b. 4/14/1897 in Coffee City, Kan.; d. 10/24/72 in Los Angeles, Calif.; real name, Claire Viola Cronk)
Internet movie database WWW site, viewed April 13, 2012 (Claire Windsor; b. 4/14/1892 in Cawker City, Kansas; d. 10/23/1972 in California; film actress; real name, Clara Viola Cronk; married to Willis Bowes 1914-1920 ; married to Bert Lytell 1925-1927)
LC data base, 8-5-93 (hdg.: Windsor, Claire)