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Breeden, Leon

LC control no.n 93117260
Personal name headingBreeden, Leon
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Breeden, Harold Leon
Found inOne O'Clock Lab Band. The best of One O'Clock [SR] p1992: container insert (produced and directed by Leon Breeden)
New York times WWW site, Aug. 16, 2010 (in obituary published Aug. 14: Leon Breeden; b. Harold Leon Breeden, Oct. 3, 1921, Guthrie, Okla.; d. Wednesday [Aug. 11, 2010], Dallas, aged 88; longtime director of jazz studies at the University of North Texas, who half a century ago transformed the program from a clandestine enterprise into the international Mecca for jazz training it remains today)